Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Short Trip To Lachine

The other day Fergus and I headed up to Lachine for a few hours to enjoy some big wave action. We ferried our way over to the wave and I set up camera while Ferg paddled into the wave. Right off the bat Fergus threw one of the biggest blunts I’ve ever seen thrown there. But then discovered that he had cracked his boat. He took a few more rides and then it was my turn. I forgot how much fun this wave is. You can get air so easily and sometimes when you don’t even want to. Anyway me and Fergus switched on and off with the camera every couple rides and then a huge thunder storm rolled in and caught us out in the middle of the river so Fergus started to head back. I was on the wave at the time and a really big Oar Raft came through and the oar hit me in the head pretty hard and a few minutes later I got a pretty bad headache so I decided to head back as well. So that was it, an 8 hour drive for 9 rides on Lachine. Oh well. We’ll be going back soon and will have some really good video comin at you!

Check out the VIDEO that we took

Paddle Hard,


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